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Fox Bites Off Babies Finger!

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An RSPCA spokeswoman said the only reason a fox would attack is due to fear. Wankers.

When a fox drags a baby from it's cot and bites off a finger, that's not fear!!! RSPCA coming up trumps as per, how anyone takes them seriously anymore is beyond me.

terrible, the dosy c**t from the society needs a good shovel to the back of the heed

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Good old arsePCA sticking up for the vermin again. "The only reason a fox would attack is due to fear" Do these people not read the facts before opening their gobs?When exactly did the fox get scared? When it was climbing into the house or when it saw the baby?

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Aye read that the only reason it would attack is because of fear ,when are these folk going to wake up and smell the coffee how many kids is that now that foxes have attacked 4/5 ?

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i know the rspca are a pain in the arse but sooner or later the government will put a bounty on them ,there is no other way possible to control these numbers of urban foxes ,they cannot be poisoned for the sake of pets .only in my eyes the only way is by bringing back terrier work to go under sheds and such like or bring back the good old spring trap which has been proven in the past and therefore we have a problem it is called the good old rspca

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Not to just play devil's advocate, but I don't get why you are all jumping up and down about it at all. The number of fox attacks on kids is tiny, there are plenty more injuries caused by badly socialised surrogate-kid terriers and many many people are killed by deer. So whether or not foxes need to be controlled in urban areas I don't think child attacks is any meaningful basis to argue from as it's so bloody uncommon, if it was common it wouldn't make the news would it and it would be just another event like the thousands of people hurt when pissed etc.

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